Monday, November 5, 2012

Note Taking, Reading Textbooks, Study Habits & Techniques

Note Taking
   For me, taking notes during class is imperative for me to do well. It makes me pay attention and the physical act of writing something down really helps things stick in my mind. My english 1010 teacher is constantly saying, "Good students take notes!" and I totally think that is true, it sends a good message to the professor and really helps you remember the finer points of a lecture.
   It is sometimes hard to know what to write down during a lecture. When taking notes I will notice that I am getting too caught up in making sure that I write every little thing down that I am not learning anything from the lecture, I turn into an automaton. Good things to look out for when writing notes are:
  • repeated words or phrases
  • words or phrases restated or explained
  • body language 
  • different inflections
  • whatever your professor writes on the board  
Reading a Textbook
College textbooks cost a whole lot of money so why not get your money's worth out of them? Textbooks help reinforce what is learned in lectures, answer questions, and provide visual aids. The book offers tips to becoming better at reading text books:
  • Start with a positive attitude
  • Choose a good enviornment
  • Don't put it off
  • Review your notes first
  • Skim ahead
  • Do it in chunks
  • Take notes
  • Look up words
  • Pause to review
  • Create questions and look for answers
  • Turn statements into questions and answers 
  • Get your ears involved- read aloud to yourself 
  • Two heads are better than one
  • Use practice problems
  • Take breaks
  • Get rid of distracting thoughts
  • Work on reading faster 
Study Habits and Techniques
   In college you are expected to do just as much, if not more, learning and work outside of the classroom as you are inside. For every hour in class professors expect you to to spend 2 more doing out of class work. For a 3 credit class, thats 6 hours. 
   Some good study habits to create are:
  • Study at the same time everyday so that your brain gets used to being ready at that time.
  • Find a location that works best 
  • Begin to study for your tests the first day of class
  • Don't study for too long but definitely study for long enough
  • Find techniques that work best for you, make it something more active than just reading your textbook. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Course Syllabus, Classroom Etiquette. & Talking to your Professor

Reading a Course Syllabus
   A course syllabus is a contract between you and your professor saying that you know what is expected of you and from the course. When reading your syllabus there are a few key things to pay special attention to like, course information, professor contact information, class schedule, course policies, and grades. Always keep your syllabus throughout the semester as you will be referring to it often. It may also be a good idea to highlight or star important these important things. 
Classroom Etiquette 
   Being polite and respectful in your classrooms is very important and shows maturity. The book gives ten tips on proper classroom etiquette: 
  1. get to class on time
  2. stay in class until it is finished
  3. leave your cellphone on silent
  4. refrain from texting, instant messaging, surfing the Internet, using social media, or iPods during class
  5. don't hold private conversations during lecture
  6. address the professor in a respectful way
  7. don't eat or drink in class
  8. keep your questions and comments in balance
  9. cool down before confronting a professor
  10. ask permission before recording lectures 
   When in class always remember that you, contrary to the popular beliefs of many young adults, aren't the only person in class. People notice when you're texting, tweeting, or talking and those things are distracting to others and the professor. 
Talking to your Professor 
   Getting to know your professor is a very important skill to learn throughout your college experience. Getting to know your professors and them you (and getting on their good side) will help you feel more comfortable in class and could help your grade too. To make a good impression on your professor you should:
  • Show up to class every day
  • Be on time
  • Come prepared to class
  • Pay attention in class
  • Turn assignments in on time, having followed the instructions 
  • If you aren't able to turn something in or take a test on time, don't lie about why
  • Don't make the professor be your only resource
  • Have a good attitude

General Education and Graduation Plans

 General Education   
 General education are classes that every student is required to take in order to graduate. The five areas required are computer literacy, English, math, american institutions, science, and for an associates or bachelor of arts a foreign language is required. 
   The things people learn in general education is very valuable and useful. The book lists some reasons why general education is required, this is a few of them that I found especially helpful: 

  • you learn to think in different ways 
  • it helps you see your options
  • to discover new interests 
  • to get a foundation for learning
  • to enhance key intellectual and practical skills
  • to get exposures to knowledge and methods of various disciplines 
   Sometimes general education classes can also fulfill classes required for your major. So, when picking what  GE classes to take it is very important to look out for those so that you can kill two birds with one stone. Sometimes your major will suggest specific GE courses for you to take, to find out which classes those would be it would be a good idea to meet with your academic adviser. Another good thing to keep in mind when registering for classes is that specific GE courses may be pre-requisites to required courses. 
Graduation Plans
   A graduation plan is a list of all the courses you plan to take each semester in order to graduate. Having a graduation plan in place ensures that you aren't floundering, wasting your time, and money. Without a plan in place you could end up having to take another semester that you didn't think you would have to. It is a very good idea to meet with an academic adviser in your major to help you determine what classes would be good to take. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Education 1001- Campus Safety

Last time in class, we talked and read about how to be safe and defend yourself on campus. I think a lot of people have this idea that since St. George is relatively small town, there is no crime, but no matter where you go there will always be crime, and know how to prepare for that . 
Dixie State College campus police force is one of the best in the nation. I think that is a very comforting fact and we are very luck to have a group of officers that take their job so seriously. 
Some of the tips that we talked about and that the book mentioned is:

  • Lock your house doors when you're away and when you're home. Always check before answering the door.
  • Look your car both when your in it or when it's parked.
  • Carry a working, charged, cell phone.
  • Always be alert and aware when your walking on campus
  • Stand up for yourself if someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Don't let people think you're not an aggressive person. 
  • Assert your opinion. Don't be a push-over!
  • Make sure you get to know the people you're spending alone time with first.
  • Let people, like your roommates, know your schedule so they know when to expect you home.
  • Avoid being alone. Especially in dark deserted places.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol. 
  • Follow your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable, even if you don't know why, leave. Campus police will be more than happy to escort you to your car or apartment if you are uncomfortable going alone.   

Education 1001- Health and Wellness Center

Erick Robinson from the Health and Wellness center came and talked to us the other day in class. It was a very motivational and informative presentation. That man really knows what he's talking about.
He said that "Self esteem is the realistic view on one's self." I thought that was an interesting way to define self esteem because it really is important to be realistic, if we overestimate we're going to be disappointed in ourselves but if we underestimate then we will place a low value on ourselves.
He also wrote this on the board:            
We are all to some extent
  • intelligent
  • courageous
  • resilient
  • have self value
  • creative
  • patient
  • self aware
  • compassionate 
  • seek growth  
I thought that was very true and very a very insightful way of looking at things, we all have those qualities or we wouldn't be where we are today, at Dixie State College.
I'll end with two quote's from Mr. Robinson "WE decide the value of stuff, stuff doesn't decide the value of stuff." and, "The expirences of my life have not made me who I am, but who I learned to be."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Education 1001- Student Association

Brandon and Mayzee from the student association came and spoke to us in class the other day. Brandon was from the student senate, which I had never really understood what it was until he explained what it was. The student senate basically aims to be the voice of the students to the faculty and administration in a professional way. says, "Their purpose is to support the student of Dixie State College in any and all academic endeavors." 
Mayzee was from the communications, or public relations, department of the student association. That department is in charge of getting the word out about events happening around campus. They are also in charge of all of the social media; Dixie State college is on all of the social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. She also told us about Thurs "D"s, which are activities happening on campus every Thursday night. 
Another very informative Education 1001 class!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Education 1001- Writing Center

In class the other day we had someone from the writing center come and talk to us about what services are provided there and how to use them. I really enjoyed it because I think it will be really helpful for the intro to writing class I'm taking this semester. I think it is really important for us, as students, to be really informed of  what services are provided to us because that is what our tuition is paying for and we should be getting out of it as much as possible. I have a paper in my intro to writing class coming up and I can't wait to use the writing center! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Education 1001- Library Tour

Today in class we met in a classroom in the library in the Holland center. It took me an eternity to find but I'm very glad I did! Having that tour of the library was really really great for me. I have been meaning to get myself acquainted with the library and find out where the tutoring center and things are, but I could never find the time with my schooling and working two jobs. So I was very very glad to have had the opportunity to have that in depth tour of the library.
I think one of my favorite things about the library was all of the study rooms. Its a perfect place to get things done in a place that is free from many of the distractions that I have when I study and do homework in my room at home. And with all of the glass walls, you really feel motivated to not be slacking off!
Another thing that I loved about the Holland Center is how beautifully clean it is! Not in a sanitary, not dirty sense, but in how clean and simple and fluid the design of the building is. I am into photography and the sharp clean lines of the building really made me want to get in there and take pictures! And, the view from the fourth floor is so beautiful, what a great location for a campus we are so lucky to have!

Education 1001- Scavenger Hunt

For my education 1001 class at Dixie State College we were asked to keep a blog as a journal of our class and of our first year of college in general. So that's what this blog post is!
The other day in class we were sent on a scavenger hunt around campus to get us acquainted with the building and their purposes (and the location of their restrooms). As a class we divided everything up so as to be the most efficient. Sydney Ward, who it turns out I went to high school with for a year, took the two most north buildings, the NIB (north instructional building) and the North Plaza. My math class is in the NIB so I was already pretty well acquainted with that building, but that was my first real time in the North Plaza building (my little brother had some camps there a few summers ago that I would drop him off and pick him up at). It was neat to look around at all of the art classes going on, it really made me wish I was taking an art class! 
Overall it was a great and exciting assignment, and I'm excited for this class!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Quote Book

  • "Go hard or go home. Good thing we're going home." Austin
  • "Music has the ability to reduce pain because of orphans." Nik W.
  • "Why did the high school kids cross the road? To get a churro." Austin 
  • "I love red solo cup, but then again who doesn't." Chase 
  • "Watch out your step, watch out your step." bus driver
  • "For unto who much is given mush is required." Braden's EFY girl 
  • "Good robin. Yes." Braden 
  • Ms. Person: "Yeah all those weird guys we flirt with and then not leave us alone."
    Roommate: "Yeah that never happens."
  • "Get some every time." Lion King
  • "It's going to be a soup kitchen in that hotel." David A.
  • "She's gonna sing her crotch off." Ashley
  • "My blood is making bubbles." Elena 
  • "And you grabbed it! You pervert!" Austin
  • "I think you will listen to me because I have experience and an accent." Elena 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Quote Book

  • "Yeah I was telling myself that in the shower today." Ashley
  • "Cody is sleeping with some guy out on the strip tonight." Nicole
  • "Friends let friends kiss in the kiln room." Austin
  • "The end of the line. As far as we go." SLC Trax
  • "So we could write about her because she's a freak." Mrs. Neville 
  • "They had credit card debt out the yang yang." Mr. Melessa 
  • '"I don't know why I'm doing this. I have a bad cold and a bad haircut." Woman in fast and testimony meeting. 
  • "Sparkle notes." Dad
  • "Get the crap out of your chair!" Mrs. Person
  • "Vodka butt." Ashley
  • "Hey let me know when you blog so I can stalk you more." Austin

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quote Book

  • It smells like jet skis!" Kyle Cabell
  • "Bobo Baggins." Nicole
  • "High tops, low tops, no tops." Mrs. Neville 
  • "It smells like gerbils." Amy 
  • Jesse: "This class isn't as fun as it  used to be." Emily: "It's because we stopped talking about testicles!"
  • "BYU's liquor laws are messed up." Erin
  • "Oh we don't take the bread if we didn't get the water." Mom
  • "No remorse, just love." Ashley
  • "Wyatt kept touching me all last period." Nicole
  • "It's never my birthday except for one day!" Ashley 
  • "Mmmm sherbet." Austin
  • "I don't even care. Just kidding I do care. A little bit." Brock D.
  • "I've got like 8 types of deodorant but I only use 1!!" Boy at Special Needs
  • "You lie like a priceless Persian rug on a rich man's floor." Vince 
  • "She just egged me right in the mouth, guys!" Kameron 
  • "At first [Mr. Darcy seems like a tool] but then he gets his sexy on." Ashley 
  • "Get out of your hula hoop! I have had it with positive coaching!" Coach Dan 
  • "I was smelling all these weird smells I'd never smelled before." Kyle Owens
  • "So basketball players have huge feet AND ARMS!!" Nicole
  • "Yeah I dated a girl that died!" Snacks
  • "It looks like honey on the inside. Like orange honey." Ashley 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quote Book

  • "Priesthood power keeps me safe from sin... Oh that's scripture power." Joe and Sam 
  • "I googled water boarding the other day. I thought it was a sport or something." Tanner S.
  • "When you're done will you put your cup in the dishwasher and START THE FREAKING DISHWASHER!" Mom
  • "You have a juicy amendment." Mr. Melessa 
  • "The feelings, they are mutual!" Kris B.
  • "You're pretty and new. That's why Mr. Taylor loves you. Uh... Other Mr. Taylor... Austin." Nicole
  • Mom: "Did they ship your pants today?" (Long awkward silence) "Oohh you said ship!"
  • "Dude we could have the homies in a circle!" Random tool at Swig
  • "No one sucks on my neck." Erin
  • "I never high five people of the opposite sex." "Fezzik"
  • "My dad's name is Dave but really his name is Earl." Ashley
  • "I was conceived at Disneyland!" Ashley 
  • "Did you just check me out?!" Nicole
  • "I don't want to hang out with Jace Wade. We have to like do it." Maddy F.
  • "Is there WiFi here?!" Nicole
  • "I would never touch you on the kiss!" Doman

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Holler At.......

(Hardcore stole this idea from Nicole.)
Holler at the Johns and Janes being back together! 
Holler at my great ward.
Holler at cute boys! 
Holler at senior ball. (Way stoked!)
Holler at funny youtube videos.
Holler at game nights.
Holler at the gospel! (How am I so blessed?!)
Holler at special need mutual!
Holler at awesome bangs.
Holler at ceramics.
Holler at laughing.
Holler at new years resolutions. 
Holler at The Black Keys. 
Holler at good GoGo shows. 
Holler at Coco Mademoiselle. 

Don't holler at a dead jeep battery. 
Don't holler at not having a job.
Don't holler at my dumb nails. 
Don't holler at daily headaches. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quote Book. I have super funny friends.

  • "Sydni is a cutie poo." Hannah A
  • "Shake it like a seziur." Me
  • "Flowers are epic." Eli
  • "Once I talked to him (popular boy) well kinda." Nefi
  • "I'm not mad but I was just a little surprised." Cody 
  • "I keep thinking my nails are cream cheese!" Ashley
  • "That little black girl is limber!" Catie
  • "Butter hands!" Catie
  • "I got an F... Minus! And its your fault!" Macey S.
  • "Have you ever heard of Holy Water Buffalo?" Holy Water Buffalo 
  • Ms. Person: "Altos, don't steal their thunder!" Ashley: "Sorry I'm the lightning thief!" 
  • "Unfriend the friendless." Mother
  • "Your house is magic! You turn your milk into ginger bread and your peanut butter into cookies!" Ben A.
  • "Its easier to be mean to nice people." Mom
  • "They look like slutty inbred gangsters." Me
  • "OMG I'm dating a Jonas Brother! It's so hot!" Nicole
  • "You're right, I don't buy underwear. I steal it off my victims." Braden
  • "All good things come with commercials." Braden
  • "I'm a foreign exchange student from America." Ashley 
  • "So we went to Taco Amigo." Sam R.
  • "Oh no! I just swore in English!" Nicole 
  • "I was never a baby!!" Austin
  • "I'm not the smartest girl in the school." Austin