Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quote Book

  • "Priesthood power keeps me safe from sin... Oh that's scripture power." Joe and Sam 
  • "I googled water boarding the other day. I thought it was a sport or something." Tanner S.
  • "When you're done will you put your cup in the dishwasher and START THE FREAKING DISHWASHER!" Mom
  • "You have a juicy amendment." Mr. Melessa 
  • "The feelings, they are mutual!" Kris B.
  • "You're pretty and new. That's why Mr. Taylor loves you. Uh... Other Mr. Taylor... Austin." Nicole
  • Mom: "Did they ship your pants today?" (Long awkward silence) "Oohh you said ship!"
  • "Dude we could have the homies in a circle!" Random tool at Swig
  • "No one sucks on my neck." Erin
  • "I never high five people of the opposite sex." "Fezzik"
  • "My dad's name is Dave but really his name is Earl." Ashley
  • "I was conceived at Disneyland!" Ashley 
  • "Did you just check me out?!" Nicole
  • "I don't want to hang out with Jace Wade. We have to like do it." Maddy F.
  • "Is there WiFi here?!" Nicole
  • "I would never touch you on the kiss!" Doman