One night my friends and I found the warp setting on my web cam and this and about a million other pictures is what resulted. When we took these pictures we were all literally rolling on the floor laughing our faces off. And now anytime I look at any of them on face book I just about die of laughter all over again and I love it!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
So basically I'm copying Miah's last blog post but thats okay because it's true. If I could switch places with anyone for a day it would be my beast friend's sister, Abby Doman. She is having some heart problems and needs a new heart within a year. The reason I would want to switch places with her is because her family has been through way too much and they don't need this too. They flat out just don't deserve it. I would gladly take her place it I could.

Please, please, PLEASE pray for Abby and her family! Even if you don't know them. They need all the prayers they can get!
I love you Doman family! Hang in there!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 5: A Picture of your Favorite memory
So I don't know if I would consider this my favorite memory but it's definitely a really great and spiritual one.
So heres the story. I was up in Salt Lake City las weekend for a state choir competition (we got a 1- by the way, holler!) and we had already left the high school we were performing at so next we went to the tabernacle at Temple Square to see Ms. Person in the Heritage Choir perform. We had been watching for a while when my and my friend Miah decided we needed a potty break but there aren't any bathrooms in the tabernacle so we walked to the visitor center. On our way out we saw some of our other friends Hailee, Zach, and two freshman I didn't know. So we walked with us to the visitors center and we went to the bathroom and looked around for a while when the freshman walked past and said they were going upstairs to see the Christus for a while. We just said okay and kept looking around for a while. Then, Miah, Hailee, Zach, and I decided we would go upstairs and look at the Christus too. And when we get up there Hailee points out the two freshman. And guess what they're doing. Those two adorable freshman were kneeling on the bench praying and crying. I was so moved that these two boys were so spiritual and moved that they had to pray in front of everyone where they could all see them. I was so touched I cried. Like really bad. I had never talked to or seen these boys in my life but now I don't think I'll ever forget them.
Sorry that was kinda long but hopefully it was worth your time. Remember L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N!
So heres the story. I was up in Salt Lake City las weekend for a state choir competition (we got a 1- by the way, holler!) and we had already left the high school we were performing at so next we went to the tabernacle at Temple Square to see Ms. Person in the Heritage Choir perform. We had been watching for a while when my and my friend Miah decided we needed a potty break but there aren't any bathrooms in the tabernacle so we walked to the visitor center. On our way out we saw some of our other friends Hailee, Zach, and two freshman I didn't know. So we walked with us to the visitors center and we went to the bathroom and looked around for a while when the freshman walked past and said they were going upstairs to see the Christus for a while. We just said okay and kept looking around for a while. Then, Miah, Hailee, Zach, and I decided we would go upstairs and look at the Christus too. And when we get up there Hailee points out the two freshman. And guess what they're doing. Those two adorable freshman were kneeling on the bench praying and crying. I was so moved that these two boys were so spiritual and moved that they had to pray in front of everyone where they could all see them. I was so touched I cried. Like really bad. I had never talked to or seen these boys in my life but now I don't think I'll ever forget them.
Sorry that was kinda long but hopefully it was worth your time. Remember L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day 4: A Picture of you and a Family Member
This is my older sister Erin and I. We're gr8.
She's off to college at BYU these days but we still text, skype, facebook, and occasionally call each other like when she's walking home from her work as a security guard by herself in the dark.
Anytime we're together we have fun, unless she's mad at me, which is not too often these days. Last summer we spent a lot of time together and we had SO much fun!!
One of my favorite memories was ice blocking with our brother Jake and our family friend Berlin. It was SO hot and SO humid because the park we went to was right by the river and the sprinklers were on. We were out until way late that night and it was way fun.
Welp thats me and Erin!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 3: A Picture of the Cast from your Favorite Show
30 Rock is pretty much the funniest thing of my life. I'll be in my room watching it on hulu and someone will say something funny and I'll laugh my head off in my room by myself. I'm so not mad about it.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Day 2: A picture of you and person you've been closest to the longest.
Brittany Doman M.K.A. (mostly known as) Doman.
So Doman and I have been friends pretty much since I moved here in 7th grade. She's super great and no matter what we're doing together we have fun. And as she said in her blog post, we totes started the whole "John" thing. We're kinda legendary. NBD.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
100 Day Challenge: Day 1. A Picture of yourself with 15 facts
So I was blog stalking my friend, Doman and I saw that she was doing the 100 day challenge and I was like, "Hey! I never have anything interesting to say I should do this!" So thats what I'm doing. But, I'm kinda really mad that I have to write facts about myself again so I think I'm just going to find 15 random facts instead. So hurrr we go!!!
1. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth,
2. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
3. Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.
4. Karoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese.
5. There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long (eye hip arm leg ear toe jaw rib lip gum).
6. A skunk's smell can be detected by a human a mile away.
1. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth,
2. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
3. Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.
4. Karoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese.
5. There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long (eye hip arm leg ear toe jaw rib lip gum).
6. A skunk's smell can be detected by a human a mile away.
7. Mario, of Super Mario Bros. fame, appeared in the 1981 arcade game, Donkey Kong. His original name was Jumpman, but was changed to Mario to honor the Nintendo of America's landlord, Mario Segali.
8. The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.
9. Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.
10. When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.
11. American car horns beep in the tone of F.
12. A lion's roar can be heard from five miles away.
13. The citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; "7" was selected because the original containers were 7 ounces. "UP" indicated the direction of the bubbles.
14. The word "nerd" was first coined by Dr. Seuss in "If I Ran the Zoo."
15. Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
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