Sunday, April 24, 2011

Some Facts.

So I've seen people post these "100 facts about me" things so I think I'll give it a try. But, 100 is kinda a big number so I may or may not get to 100. We'll see.

  1. I am 16 years old
  2. I was born in Portland Oregon 
  3. I have moved 6 times in my life and all but one were to different states.
  4. After Oregon we moved to Arizona then to California, then a different house in California, then we moved to Boise Idaho, and now we live in St. George Utah.
  5. The name of my blog is the name of a song by Noah and the Whale (copy right infringement? probs.)
  6. I really like to use acronyms and shortened words (probs, totes, def,...etc.)
  7. I think I have finally settled into the group of friends that I will be with at least until the end of high school. I really like them. 
  8. I am an introvert by nature and an extrovert by force.  And I am not mad about it. 
  9. I think I have an addictive personality. Basically that means that I get addictive to things very easily.  (Examples: Facebook, diet coke,, blog stalking)
  10. I'm kinda a democrat. 
  11. I HATE when people blindly follow. Religion, politics, whatever. Figure it out for yourself. It works better that way. 
  12. ^ this is probably the most I will talk about politics on this here blog and in life in general. I really hate politics. They just tick people off. 
  13. I have never ever been a good student. 
  14. Not going to college is not an option for me.
  15. I have an older sister (18) and two young
  16. I just wrote about 20 things and they all some how go deleted. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
  17. My grandma just started to sing "baby I like it the way you move on the floor." Awk! But I love it.
  18. My hair has been just about every color and every length possible. 
  19. I really like fashion. Anyone who knows me can tell. I like to experiment. 
  20. I love going to concerts. Especially at GoGo 37
  21. I like pretty much all kinds of music except country and screamo  
  22. Vanilla Coke Zero and ginger ale are my favorite sodas
  23. Every weekday morning I watch the news while I eat breakfast then I listen to NPR while I get ready.
  24. My family is the funniest group of people I know. When we get together we have way too much fun than should be legal.
  25. I am super duper sarcastic and it's really annoying that it doesn't translate well in text. 
  26. I am at my grandparent's house in Arizona right now and I just got done laying out by their pool. 
  27. My friends call me off white. See above ^
  28. Me and my friends have a secret group on facebook called Johners+Janers (girls are johners and boys are janers) it's probably the funnest thing of my life
  29. This is harder than I thought it would be
  30. I recently got a job working with a girl named Brittney, who has down syndrome, I pretty much get paid ten dollars an hour to hang out with her. I love it and her so so much!
  31. When I grow up I want to be a special ed. teacher. 
  32. I don't think I'll ever grow up though
  33. My favorite color is red orange
  34. I've done a buttload of babysitting in my life 
  35. Once while babysitting one of the girls puked and I cleaned it up. Word spread and I was the most requested babysitter in the ward. 
  36. Ever since I was really little I have had to listen to something, usually a book on tape, to fall asleep. But now I listen to podcasts to fall asleep. 
  37. My favorite podcast is This American Life
  38. I almost never have dreams (I know what your about to say. "Everyone has dreams you just don't remember them" well to you I say: Shut up, I know but what is a dream if I can't even remember it? Nothing." and I mean that in the nicest way possible. 
  39. I think I'm about to give up on this. 
  40. Yeah I'm done.
  41. Thanks for reading this (assuming you actually did)
  42. Remember. L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.
  43. Byeeeeeee!! Depending on who you are I love you!!


  1. Maddie. So I just love you a lot. And I'm now creepishly following your blog. And I super missed you today. That is all.

  2. Oh Lisa!! I love you a ton as well! And now that I know you have a blog I will be blog stalking you very frequently :) I was thinking about our ward like ALL day today!! Ugh I'm so so sad I missed it!!
