Thursday, September 13, 2012

Education 1001- Campus Safety

Last time in class, we talked and read about how to be safe and defend yourself on campus. I think a lot of people have this idea that since St. George is relatively small town, there is no crime, but no matter where you go there will always be crime, and know how to prepare for that . 
Dixie State College campus police force is one of the best in the nation. I think that is a very comforting fact and we are very luck to have a group of officers that take their job so seriously. 
Some of the tips that we talked about and that the book mentioned is:

  • Lock your house doors when you're away and when you're home. Always check before answering the door.
  • Look your car both when your in it or when it's parked.
  • Carry a working, charged, cell phone.
  • Always be alert and aware when your walking on campus
  • Stand up for yourself if someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Don't let people think you're not an aggressive person. 
  • Assert your opinion. Don't be a push-over!
  • Make sure you get to know the people you're spending alone time with first.
  • Let people, like your roommates, know your schedule so they know when to expect you home.
  • Avoid being alone. Especially in dark deserted places.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol. 
  • Follow your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable, even if you don't know why, leave. Campus police will be more than happy to escort you to your car or apartment if you are uncomfortable going alone.   

Education 1001- Health and Wellness Center

Erick Robinson from the Health and Wellness center came and talked to us the other day in class. It was a very motivational and informative presentation. That man really knows what he's talking about.
He said that "Self esteem is the realistic view on one's self." I thought that was an interesting way to define self esteem because it really is important to be realistic, if we overestimate we're going to be disappointed in ourselves but if we underestimate then we will place a low value on ourselves.
He also wrote this on the board:            
We are all to some extent
  • intelligent
  • courageous
  • resilient
  • have self value
  • creative
  • patient
  • self aware
  • compassionate 
  • seek growth  
I thought that was very true and very a very insightful way of looking at things, we all have those qualities or we wouldn't be where we are today, at Dixie State College.
I'll end with two quote's from Mr. Robinson "WE decide the value of stuff, stuff doesn't decide the value of stuff." and, "The expirences of my life have not made me who I am, but who I learned to be."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Education 1001- Student Association

Brandon and Mayzee from the student association came and spoke to us in class the other day. Brandon was from the student senate, which I had never really understood what it was until he explained what it was. The student senate basically aims to be the voice of the students to the faculty and administration in a professional way. says, "Their purpose is to support the student of Dixie State College in any and all academic endeavors." 
Mayzee was from the communications, or public relations, department of the student association. That department is in charge of getting the word out about events happening around campus. They are also in charge of all of the social media; Dixie State college is on all of the social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. She also told us about Thurs "D"s, which are activities happening on campus every Thursday night. 
Another very informative Education 1001 class!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Education 1001- Writing Center

In class the other day we had someone from the writing center come and talk to us about what services are provided there and how to use them. I really enjoyed it because I think it will be really helpful for the intro to writing class I'm taking this semester. I think it is really important for us, as students, to be really informed of  what services are provided to us because that is what our tuition is paying for and we should be getting out of it as much as possible. I have a paper in my intro to writing class coming up and I can't wait to use the writing center!