Thursday, June 23, 2011

Quote Book

   So whenever someone says something funny (which happens a ton) I put it in the notepad of my phone. So here they are! Enjoy!

   “It’s like riding a bull if you’re from Spain, you never forget.” Braden W.
“I was texting in an accent.” Chandler
At special needs mutual: “When is your birthday?”  Sam S: “This Thursday October 21st.”
“Can I chop your hand off woman?! Actually she’s really nice. We’re kinda friends.” Doman
“The testicles of the west?!” Emily Poulton
“Just kidding, I know that’s a one…….. I mean a seven.” Elena
“If I invented Spanish it would be English.” Elena
“I will shave you a seat.” Elena
“Whoa! You looked like a cat for a minute!” Eli
Lisa: “No one is going to run after someone who screams like a man!” Ashley: “I would.”
“At first it was creepy, then it was Jesus.” Berlyn Slemboski
“Who else weird have I slept with?” Emily Poulton
“She doesn’t want you here. You’re uninvited. Nicole can come though!” Clody Clay
“I’m dressed like a ho and I love it! Isn’t it great?!” Elena
Brother Park: “It’s a monkey trap!”  Elena: “I’m learning so much!”
“I’m going to blow his towers!”  Doman talking about Osama
“She’s in my pants.” Austin T.
“That’s my baby food!” Amy
“I hate people who aren’t me or my friends!” Nicole
“It’s a squercle!” Nicole
“I really like those.  They bring out the color in your head.” Berlyn Slemboski
“Do you speak China?” my mom

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 8: A Picture of Your Most Treasured Item

   I would say that my most treasured items are my friends and all the memories we've made. They're not really items but I definitely treasure them.  Yesterday was my last day hanging out with my best foreign friend Elena. We went to a Fictionist concert in Ceder City. It was a real adventure, half a mile before the exit Aaron's car broke down and we had to catch a ride with his brother-in-law. We were a little later than we wanted to be but thats okay, we had a blast! Then I had to take Elena home and say our last goodbyes. It was really sad but I fully intend on going to Spain and seeing her again.